Is it possible to replace the start destination in Jetpack Compose Navigation without losing the backstack?
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Is it possible to replace the start destination in Jetpack Compose Navigation without losing the backstack?

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As a developer, you’ve probably encountered a situation where you needed to update the start destination of your Jetpack Compose Navigation graph without losing the existing backstack. But, is it possible? Can you replace the start destination without sacrificing the navigation history? The short answer is yes, but it requires some creativity and a deep understanding of how Jetpack Compose Navigation works. In this article, we’ll explore the possibilities and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this seemingly impossible feat.

Understanding the problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand why replacing the start destination in Jetpack Compose Navigation is a challenge in the first place. When you create a navigation graph, the start destination is the initial route that the user lands on when they launch your app. By default, the start destination is not just a simple route; it’s also the foundation of the navigation backstack.

When you navigate to a new route, Jetpack Compose Navigation adds that route to the backstack, allowing the user to navigate back to the previous route by pressing the back button. However, if you try to replace the start destination, you’ll lose the entire backstack, and the user will be taken to the new start destination without any navigation history. This is not ideal, as it disrupts the user’s flow and can lead to a poor user experience.

The naive approach

One obvious approach to replacing the start destination is to simply update the `startDestination` property of your navigation graph. However, as we’ve established, this will wipe out the entire backstack, which is not what we want.

val navController = rememberNavController()
NavHost(navController = navController) {
    // Original start destination
    composable("original_start_destination") {
    // New start destination
    composable("new_start_destination") {

In this example, if we update the `startDestination` property to “new_start_destination”, we’ll lose the backstack, and the user will be taken to the new start destination without any navigation history.

The solution: using a wrapper composable

So, how can we replace the start destination without losing the backstack? The answer lies in using a wrapper composable that holds the original start destination and the new start destination. By doing so, we can update the start destination while preserving the backstack.

val navController = rememberNavController()
NavHost(navController = navController) {
    // Wrapper composable
    composable("start_destination_wrapper") {
    // Other composables...

fun StartDestinationWrapper(navController: NavController) {
    var startDestination by remember { mutableStateOf("original_start_destination") }
    // Conditional navigation to the original or new start destination
    when (startDestination) {
        "original_start_destination" -> OriginalStartDestination(navController)
        "new_start_destination" -> NewStartDestination(navController)

In this solution, we create a wrapper composable called `StartDestinationWrapper` that holds the original start destination and the new start destination. We use a `mutabeStateOf` to store the current start destination, which defaults to the original start destination.

Inside the wrapper composable, we use a `when` statement to conditionally navigate to either the original start destination or the new start destination based on the value of `startDestination`. This allows us to update the start destination without losing the backstack.

Updating the start destination

Now that we have the wrapper composable in place, updating the start destination is a breeze. All we need to do is update the `startDestination` state to the new start destination, and the navigation graph will automatically update.

Button(onClick = {
    startDestination.value = "new_start_destination"
}) {
    Text("Update start destination")

In this example, when the button is clicked, the `startDestination` state is updated to “new_start_destination”, which triggers the navigation graph to update the start destination without losing the backstack.

Preserving the backstack

But wait, there’s more! To ensure that the backstack is preserved, we need to make sure that the wrapper composable is aware of the navigation history. We can do this by using the `navController` instance to preserve the backstack.

fun StartDestinationWrapper(navController: NavController) {
    var startDestination by remember { mutableStateOf("original_start_destination") }
    val backstack = remember { mutableStateListOf<String>() }
    // Preserve the backstack
    LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
        snapshotFlow { navController.backQueue.size }.collect { backstack.clear(); backstack.addAll(navController.backQueue) }
    // Conditional navigation to the original or new start destination
    when (startDestination) {
        "original_start_destination" -> OriginalStartDestination(navController)
        "new_start_destination" -> NewStartDestination(navController)

In this updated solution, we use a `mutableStateListOf` to store the backstack and a `LaunchedEffect` to preserve the backstack by listening to changes in the navigation back queue.


In conclusion, replacing the start destination in Jetpack Compose Navigation without losing the backstack is possible, but it requires a creative solution. By using a wrapper composable that holds the original start destination and the new start destination, we can update the start destination while preserving the navigation history.

Remember to use a `mutableStateOf` to store the current start destination and a `when` statement to conditionally navigate to either the original or new start destination. Finally, don’t forget to preserve the backstack by using the `navController` instance to listen to changes in the navigation back queue.

With this solution, you can confidently update the start destination of your Jetpack Compose Navigation graph without worrying about losing the backstack. Happy coding!

Pros Cons
PRESERVES BACKSTACK Requires additional composable wrapper
WORKS WITH JETPACK COMPOSE NAVIGATION Requires deep understanding of Jetpack Compose Navigation


  1. Q: Can I use this solution with other navigation libraries?

    A: No, this solution is specifically designed for Jetpack Compose Navigation. However, the concepts can be adapted to other navigation libraries.

  2. Q: Is this solution compatible with Android 12?

    A: Yes, this solution is compatible with Android 12 and later versions.

  3. Q: Can I use this solution with fragment-based navigation?

    A: No, this solution is specific to Jetpack Compose Navigation and cannot be used with fragment-based navigation.

Conclusion Recap

  • Use a wrapper composable to hold the original and new start destinations
  • Use a `mutableStateOf` to store the current start destination
  • Use a `when` statement to conditionally navigate to either the original or new start destination
  • Preserve the backstack using the `navController` instance

Additional Resources

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to navigate the world of Jetpack Compose Navigation like a pro!

Is it really possible to replace the start destination in Jetpack Compose Navigation without losing the backstack?

Yes, it is possible! You can use the `popBackStack` function to remove the start destination and then set a new start destination using the `setStartDestination` function. This way, you can replace the start destination without losing the backstack.

What is the difference between `popBackStack` and `popUpTo` in Jetpack Compose Navigation?

`popBackStack` removes the top-most destination from the backstack, while `popUpTo` removes all destinations up to a specific one. Think of it like `popBackStack` is a single undo, whereas `popUpTo` is a batch undo!

Can I use `setStartDestination` to set a new start destination while still keeping the old one in the backstack?

No, `setStartDestination` will remove the old start destination from the backstack. If you want to keep the old one, you’ll need to use `popBackStack` and then `setStartDestination` to achieve the desired outcome.

How do I handle multiple backstacks in Jetpack Compose Navigation?

You can use separate instances of `NavController` for each backstack. This way, you can manage multiple backstacks independently and navigate between them seamlessly.

Are there any performance considerations when using `popBackStack` and `setStartDestination` frequently?

Yes, frequent use of `popBackStack` and `setStartDestination` can impact performance, especially if you have a large backstack. Be mindful of your navigation flow and consider optimizing your app’s architecture to minimize unnecessary backstack operations.

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