The Ultimate Guide to Populating intl-tel-input Fields with Turbo Stream
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The Ultimate Guide to Populating intl-tel-input Fields with Turbo Stream

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Are you tired of scratching your head, trying to figure out how to populate those pesky intl-tel-input fields with Turbo Stream? Well, scratch no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process, step by step. By the end of this article, you’ll be a master of populating intl-tel-input fields with Turbo Stream!

What is Turbo Stream?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a quick detour to understand what Turbo Stream is. Turbo Stream is a part of the Hotwire stack, a set of technologies that enable fast and efficient web development. Turbo Stream allows you to build fast, interactive, and dynamic user interfaces by sending HTML over the wire, instead of JSON data. This approach enables you to build complex applications with ease, without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

What is intl-tel-input?

intl-tel-input is a popular JavaScript library used to create international telephone number input fields. It provides a simple and intuitive way to input phone numbers, with features like auto-formatting, validation, and country-based phone number formatting. intl-tel-input is widely used in web applications, especially those that require users to input their phone numbers.

The Problem: Populating intl-tel-input Fields with Turbo Stream

Now, let’s get to the meat of the matter. When using Turbo Stream to populate intl-tel-input fields, you may have noticed that the fields don’t seem to be populated correctly. This is because Turbo Stream sends HTML over the wire, which can sometimes conflict with the JavaScript libraries like intl-tel-input.

The Solution: Using Turbo Stream’s `turbo-stream` Tag

The secret to populating intl-tel-input fields with Turbo Stream lies in using the `turbo-stream` tag. This tag allows you to wrap your intl-tel-input field with Turbo Stream’s magic, enabling you to populate the field with data from your backend.

<turbo-stream action="update">
      value="{{ phone_number }}" 

In the above code snippet, we’re wrapping the `intl-tel-input` field with the `turbo-stream` tag. We’re using the `action` attribute to specify that we want to update the field, and the `template` tag to define the HTML template for the field. The `value` attribute is where the magic happens – we’re using the `{{ phone_number }}` syntax to inject the phone number data from our backend into the field.

Using Turbo Stream’s `turbo-frame` Tag

Another approach to populating intl-tel-input fields with Turbo Stream is to use the `turbo-frame` tag. This tag allows you to wrap your entire form with Turbo Stream’s magic, enabling you to populate the field with data from your backend.

<turbo-frame id="phone_number_form">
      value="{{ phone_number }}" 

In the above code snippet, we’re wrapping the entire form with the `turbo-frame` tag. We’re using the `id` attribute to specify the ID of the frame, and the `form` tag to define the form. The `value` attribute is where the magic happens – we’re using the `{{ phone_number }}` syntax to inject the phone number data from our backend into the field.

Common Gotchas and Troubleshooting Tips

While populating intl-tel-input fields with Turbo Stream may seem straightforward, there are some common gotchas to watch out for. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome common issues:

  • Make sure you’re using the correct `turbo-stream` or `turbo-frame` tag.

    Double-check that you’re using the correct tag to wrap your intl-tel-input field. If you’re using `turbo-stream`, make sure you’re using the `action` attribute to specify the update action. If you’re using `turbo-frame`, make sure you’re wrapping the entire form with the tag.

  • Ensure your backend is sending the correct data.

    Verify that your backend is sending the correct phone number data in the response. Make sure the data is correctly formatted and sent as part of the Turbo Stream response.

  • Check for JavaScript errors.

    Use your browser’s developer tools to check for any JavaScript errors that may be preventing the intl-tel-input field from populating correctly.

  • Verify that intl-tel-input is correctly configured.

    Make sure you’ve correctly configured intl-tel-input by including the necessary scripts and specifying the correct options.


Populating intl-tel-input fields with Turbo Stream may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it’s a breeze! By using the `turbo-stream` or `turbo-frame` tag, you can easily populate intl-tel-input fields with data from your backend. Remember to watch out for common gotchas and troubleshooting tips to ensure a smooth experience. Happy coding!

Tag Description
turbo-stream Used to wrap individual elements or templates with Turbo Stream’s magic.
turbo-frame Used to wrap entire forms or sections with Turbo Stream’s magic.

By following this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to populate intl-tel-input fields with Turbo Stream like a pro! If you have any further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask in the comments below.

  1. Turbo Documentation
  2. intl-tel-input Documentation

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your experiences with populating intl-tel-input fields with Turbo Stream in the comments below!

Final Thoughts

By mastering the art of populating intl-tel-input fields with Turbo Stream, you’ll be able to build faster, more interactive, and more dynamic user interfaces with ease. Remember to stay tuned for more tutorials and guides on using Turbo Stream and intl-tel-input to build amazing web applications!

Here is the HTML code with 5 questions and answers about “How do I populate intl-tel-input fields with turbo_stream?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about populating intl-tel-input fields with turbo_stream!

How do I initialize intl-tel-input with turbo_stream?

To initialize intl-tel-input with turbo_stream, you need to create a turbo_stream element in your HTML file and then use the turbo_stream_tags gem to render the intl-tel-input field. Don’t forget to add the required JavaScript files and CSS styles to your project.

How do I set the default country for intl-tel-input with turbo_stream?

To set the default country for intl-tel-input with turbo_stream, you can add a “defaultCountry” option when initializing the intl-tel-input field. For example, you can use “defaultCountry: ‘auto'” to automatically detect the user’s country based on their browser settings.

How do I prepopulate intl-tel-input field with a number using turbo_stream?

To prepopulate the intl-tel-input field with a number using turbo_stream, you can pass the number as a parameter when rendering the turbo_stream element. For example, you can use “” to prepopulate the field with the number “+1234567890”.

How do I handle errors when populating intl-tel-input fields with turbo_stream?

To handle errors when populating intl-tel-input fields with turbo_stream, you can use the built-in error handling mechanisms provided by turbo_stream. For example, you can use the “error” event listener to catch any errors that occur when populating the field.

Is it possible to customize the appearance of intl-tel-input fields with turbo_stream?

Yes, it is possible to customize the appearance of intl-tel-input fields with turbo_stream! You can use CSS styles to customize the layout, colors, and fonts of the input field. Additionally, you can use JavaScript code to customize the behavior and functionality of the field.